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Divorce can be a complex and emotionally draining process, especially when it comes to the division of marital assets. Financial transparency plays a pivotal role in ensuring a fair and equitable distribution. Both parties are expected to fully disclose their financial situation, including income, assets, debts, and expenses, providing a complete picture of the marital estate that needs to be divided.

However, not all divorces proceed with this level of openness. If your spouse is attempting to conceal assets, this act undermines the fairness of the asset division process and, if undetected, could result in an unjust settlement. If you believe your spouse may be hiding assets during the divorce process, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

Recognizing the Signs of Hidden Assets

Recognizing the signs that your spouse might be hiding assets can be challenging, especially if you haven't been deeply involved in managing the family's finances. However, there are certain red flags to look out for. These can include sudden changes in financial behavior, such as making large or unusual withdrawals, opening new bank accounts, or diverting mail related to financial matters to a different address.

Your spouse may also become overly secretive about financial matters, refusing to share information or becoming defensive when asked. They might overpay taxes to get a refund after the divorce, delay signing new contracts or receiving bonuses until after the divorce is final, or transfer assets to a third party with the intention of getting them back after the divorce.

Other tactics used to hide assets can be more sophisticated. For example, your spouse might create fake debts by colluding with friends or family members. They pay these individuals a large sum as a so-called debt repayment, which will be returned to them once the divorce is settled. Another tactic is to purchase expensive items, such as art, antiques, or vehicles, with the intention of undervaluing or overlooking these during the asset division process.

By understanding these common signs and tactics, you can be better prepared to spot any attempts by your spouse to conceal assets during your divorce proceedings.

Documenting Your Suspicions

If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, it's crucial to document your suspicions and gather evidence. Start by making a detailed list of all the assets you're aware of - both individual and marital. This could include bank accounts, retirement funds, real estate properties, vehicles, and valuable personal possessions.

Collect any financial documents you can find, such as tax returns, bank statements, investment account statements, and business records. These can provide valuable clues about hidden assets. For example, an income tax return might show interest or dividends from unknown sources, indicating hidden assets.

Digital footprints can also be a treasure trove of information. Emails, text messages, or online transactions might reveal undisclosed financial activities. However, remember to respect privacy laws while collecting these pieces of evidence.

Maintaining meticulous records and documentation is vital in this process. Keep a record of any suspicious financial behavior, including dates, amounts, and nature of the transaction. Also, take note of any unusual conversations or behaviors related to finances.

Remember, while you're gathering evidence, it's essential to keep this information safe and confidential. Consider storing these documents in a secure location your spouse cannot access, like a safety deposit box or a trusted friend's house.

Finally, it's essential to understand that while your suspicions might guide you, proving that assets are being hidden often requires professional assistance. This is where forensic accountants and experienced divorce attorneys come into play.

Legal Recourse for Hidden Assets

If you discover that your spouse has been hiding assets, it's important to know that you have legal options. The first step is to bring this information to the attention of your attorney and the court. Your attorney can file motions to request financial disclosures from your spouse and, if necessary, ask the court to issue subpoenas to obtain financial records.

The court takes the issue of hidden assets very seriously. If it's proven that your spouse deliberately concealed assets, the judge may reallocate the assets in your favor. This means you could be awarded a more significant portion of the marital estate to compensate for your spouse's fraudulent actions.

Remember, every case is unique, and the specific legal recourse available to you will depend on the details of your situation. Therefore, it's crucial to consult with a divorce attorney who can provide guidance based on your individual circumstances.

How Clawson & Clawson, LLP Can Help

At Clawson & Clawson, LLP we understand how devastating it can be to discover that your spouse is attempting to hide assets during the divorce process. We go above and beyond to ensure you receive a fair and equitable asset division settlement.

Our experienced attorneys possess the skill and knowledge needed to detect hidden assets and uncover any financial activities your spouse may have attempted to conceal. Our attorneys are adept at gathering and analyzing evidence of hidden assets. We can leverage legal tools such as discovery, subpoenas, and depositions to obtain financial records and information. We also collaborate with forensic accountants and other professionals to uncover any concealed assets. We will work tirelessly to protect your rights as we strive to secure the best possible outcome for you and your family.

If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets during your divorce, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us online or at (719) 602-5888 today for a confidential consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will help ensure that no stone is left unturned as we work together to create a brighter future for you and your family. 
