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As a parent, the birth of your child is a moment filled with joy and anticipation. However, this joy can quickly become a concern if you suspect your child may have suffered a birth injury. If you find yourself in this situation, acting swiftly and taking appropriate steps to protect your child’s health and legal rights is crucial.

Recognizing a Birth Injury

Recognizing a birth injury in your newborn could be the first step toward getting your child the appropriate care and treatment. Birth injuries can manifest in various ways; some signs could be immediate, while others might take time to become apparent. It's essential to closely monitor your child's physical health and developmental milestones, especially in the initial weeks and months after birth.

Physical signs of a birth injury often include visible abnormalities such as swelling, bruising, or marks on the baby's body. In particular, pay attention to irregularities in the baby's movements. For instance, if the baby seems to favor one side of their body, it could indicate a nerve injury. Other signs might involve difficulties with feeding, excessive drooling, or issues with gripping objects, which could suggest problems with muscle control.

However, not all birth injuries are immediately visible or physical. Some can affect the baby's neurological or cognitive development. These might present as seizures, breathing difficulties, or unusual fussiness. As the child grows older, developmental delays could become evident. These might include delayed crawling, walking, speech, or learning and social interaction difficulties.

It's important to remember that not all health issues at birth are due to medical negligence, but if you have any suspicions, it's crucial to follow up.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If you suspect a birth injury, seek immediate medical attention for your child. This might involve getting a second opinion or consulting with a specialist. Prompt medical intervention can potentially limit the extent of any harm and improve your child’s prognosis.

Depending on the nature of the suspected injury, you may need to consult with various healthcare professionals. This could range from your child's pediatrician to specialists such as neurologists, physical therapists, or occupational therapists. These experts can thoroughly evaluate your child's health and development and devise an appropriate treatment plan if necessary.

You are also always entitled to seek a second opinion if your instinct tells you something isn’t right. Sometimes, birth injuries might be overlooked or misdiagnosed, especially if the signs are subtle or develop gradually. A second opinion can provide reassurance and might reveal additional information about your child's condition. Remember, you are your child's best advocate.

Document Everything

Start documenting everything related to your child’s medical condition. This includes keeping a record of all medical appointments, symptoms, conversations with doctors, and any treatment plans or medications prescribed. These records can be crucial when pursuing a legal case.

Here are some things you should document:

  • Medical Records: Keep a copy of all medical records related to your child's birth and subsequent treatments. This includes prenatal care records, labor and delivery records, neonatal care records, and any other relevant medical reports.
  • Symptoms and Changes: Note any physical symptoms, behavioral changes, or developmental delays your child exhibits. Include when you first noticed these issues and any changes over time.
  • Conversations with Healthcare Providers: Document conversations with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers. Note their responses to your concerns, any diagnoses, treatment options discussed, and recommendations.
  • Treatment and Medication Details: Keep track of any treatments your child receives and medications prescribed. Include information about dosages, frequency, and the purpose of each drug.
  • Expenses: Keep a record of all expenses related to your child's medical care. This includes hospital bills, prescription costs, therapy fees, and other related expenses.

Organizing these records in a manner that is easy to access and understand is crucial. Consider creating a timeline of events from your prenatal care to the present day. This could provide a clear picture of what happened and when, which can be invaluable in a legal context.

Consult with a Birth Injury Attorney

If you suspect that your child's birth injury resulted from medical negligence, it's essential to consult with a birth injury attorney as soon as possible. Birth injury cases can be complex and challenging to navigate, requiring a deep understanding of both medical and legal nuances. An experienced birth injury attorney can provide valuable guidance, help you understand your rights, and determine whether you have a viable legal claim.

A birth injury attorney will thoroughly investigate your case, review all medical records, consult with medical experts, and determine if the healthcare providers failed to meet the standard of care. If negligence is established, your attorney can help file a lawsuit on your behalf. This legal action could secure financial compensation for medical expenses, ongoing care costs, loss of future earning potential, and pain and suffering.

At Clawson & Clawson, LLP, we understand the complexities involved in these cases and the challenges parents face when their child is injured. We're committed to fighting for justice for your family.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us online or call us at (719) 602-5888. Our experienced birth injury attorneys are ready to help you navigate this challenging situation and fight for the justice your family deserves.
